Personal coaching Algarve Portugal
We work worldwide, with many domestic and international clients in Algarve Portugal. Soulful personal leadership together with powerful integration sets MY Fundament apart.
Today we discuss the 2022 cases of Jane, Rob, Pablo and René (Names anonymized).
Jane (62, pensionada, not happy). Jane experiences fear, stress and has low self esteem. She takes care of everyone, except for herself. Jane started with a low 5 for well-being. First thing to do was to make Jane conscious of the sources that cause stress and fear in her life. Very clever as she is, Jane quickly understood the power of the Golden Key: taking grip back on your mind (Nothing more than an instrument and if guided well, easy to manage.) Jane seriously enjoys the meditations that allow her to stay focused. She followed MY Fundament and created a prosperous life that is a result from who she truly is. Currently Jane is enjoying a solid A for well-being.
Rob (45, CEO and entrepreneur, lost in life). Rob comes from far, sold his business and is looking for new purpose in life. Rob has been diagnosed with ADD and faces lots of free time. Rob had a very strong identification with his business and seeks new guidance. At first we showed Rob the way to his essence. The intensity of his recognition was truly heartbreaking. Not often seen a client making such a drastic turn in life with so much discipline. Rob completely embraced the mindshift-principle-a powerful tool for success full integration. Rob made 20 shifts a day in the last 3 months, firing new brain connections. This has resulted in a drastic change in life. While Rob is still improving on his ability to focus, he feels very comfortable and peaceful at a sustainable A for happiness.
Pablo (55, senior executive, low well-being). Pablo has done very well materially, but is not enjoying life. ‘I feel that life is in charge of me, it is as if I have completely lost grip’. Pablo is a classic, as is the MY Fundament approach. The first step is raising consciousness to understand that outside troublemakers fear and ego run his show. The shift from fear to strength and ego to self love was key for Pablo. As putting his annoying ex-wife on a healthy distance. Pablo is still a sweet and kind man but asks himself many times a day if a situation, thought, person or feeling does serve him. Pablo sees himself as a slow mover and is happy with the great improvements he already made.
René (38, partner, close to burn-out). Last but not least René. Likely the busiest man in the Algarve. Very successful as partner of a business provider and found by many demanding client. And finally back at home, his wife and little child consume his last energy. René is triggered by ‘the biggest gift in life is yourself’. ‘Me-Myself and I’ becomes a main tool for him to express self-love and take better care of himself. And his gatekeeper became his best friend allowing René to maintain grip on his agenda. René’s new aura also has a calming effect on his demanding wife. They currently enjoy new levels of harmony and have recently spotted in the Azores, holding hands and drinking wine.
The coaches of MY Fundament are seasoned personal and business coaches. As former CEO’s and entrepreneurs they are trusted advisors for many.
Customer satisfaction: 9,2/10.
Contact us now at +31 610 675 356 |