Jeroen (Entrepreneur, 42 jaar)
Indeed, the biggest gift you can give yourself is you! Through the MY Fundament action program I took back control of my life! With powerful after care my well being score is a big fat 8, and regularly even a 9. Absolutely recommended for anyone looking for sustainable happiness and empowerment. Deep thanks!
Marlies (CEO, 53 years)
After two burn-outs I was on an all time low. The MY Fundament program provides tools to take back grip on your life. And most of all it shows you to who you truly are. These are the two main ingredients to create an empowered Life. I recommend the MY Fundament program whole heartedly. To prevent burn-out and also for those in recovery and ready to create a life full of well being.
Jack (Manager, 62 years)
It was not looking good, being too busy too long and too much resulted in a situation that I was literally burned out. It is of paramount importance to realise that honesty and working hard lead to best and sustainable results. And get out of the burn-out even stronger. It is your own responsability to make the change. The coach will supply consciousness and guidance.
Partner (Woman, 48 years)
I am convinced that if I would have started MY Fundament 4 years ago, I would not have ended in a burn-out. I warmheartedly recommend MY Fundament, also for people who want to prevent burn-out.